Lehtimäki Suomen Osto- ja Logistiikkayhdistyksen hallituksen puheenjohtajaksi 2020-2021
Lehtimäki was elected Chairman of the Board of the Finnish Purchasing and Logistics Association 2020 - 2021.
Finnish Association of Purchasing and Logistics LOGY is a not-for-profit association of private individuals and legal entities. The purpose of LOGY is to develop procedures for purchasing of materials and services and to promote physical logistics (i.e. transport, storage, handling) and the professional skills of employees in logistics for the benefit of the Finnish economy and society.
The objectives are to improve logistics and increase the internal and external integration of logistics, to develop the utilization of computer processing and data interchange in logistics and to present Finnish logistics services.
The organization of LOGY
Its board is chaired by 15 members. The term of members is three years, and the autumn meeting of the association always selects five new members to replace the resignation.
The chairman is elected for two years at a time, and the term of office may be maximum two consecutive. The tasks of the Board include, among other things, to guide and develop the association's activities and the economy in accordance with the rules and the meetings of the association's meetings, and to prepare and take initiatives on matters of economically important importance.